Mindfulness promises a great number of desirable benefits, and is based on much more solid research than many competing ideas on how to change people.
Green light, STOP - if you want to see where you are taking the most risk, look where you are making the most money.
If there is an effect in your life that you want more of, you merely need to trace it back to the causes and repeat the causes. If there is an effect in your life that you do not enjoy, you need to trace it back to the causes and get rid of them.
The greatest problem of human life is fear. It is fear that robs us of happiness. It is fear that causes us to settle for far less than we are capable of. It is fear that is the root cause of negative emotions, unhappiness and problems in human relat...
You perform as well as you believe yourself capable of performing. You are as effective as you believe yourself to be in whatever you do. You can never be better or different on the outside than you believe yourself to be on the inside.
The limitless mind lets us dream and examine and explore. It opens us up to opportunity. We come up with a desire, a clear, fresh perspective, and a potential goal to observe from afar. And we wonder, is this it, the right choice, the best choice to ...
The promise of aspiration is that it is evolutionary. The human condition is such that we are always aspiring to be something more, something better, something nobler. It starts as a thought, a want, a need, or a desire and then grows and evolves wit...
Being willing to listen to others and let them speak into our lives is a critical attitude leaders must have. It is not weakness to get good advice - it is strength to seek it out.
Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.
Greece could default on its debts and even exit currency bloc if it cannot deliver reforms.
Exit is a letter away from Exist. A part, just a space away from Apart.
Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.
I don't think Jimi committed suicide in the conventional way. He just decided to exit when he wanted to.
There are about 30 words around you all the time, like 'thread' or 'exit.'
[the Fellowship exits Rivendell, with Frodo in front] Frodo: Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right? Gandalf: Left.
A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.
Nice place," I said while prudently hovering near the only exit. Beyond Varallan
Before any investor goes into any country, he is looking for the exit door.
Being different is a revolving door in your life where secure people enter and insecure exit.
I just think it's fun to remind people that good television has exited and it can exist again and just to give them pleasure and enjoy it and make them laugh.
The exit polls suggest that after a relatively disappointing first term, Obama managed to reassemble almost all of his 2008 electorate.