Follow the path of your aroused thought, and you will soon meet this infernal inscription: There is nothing so beautiful as that which does not exist.
Maybe love after all only exists in wonderful fairy tales. I'm just slowly starting to think that,but could I be wrong?
When you exist in the centre of a debate, as a topic, a hypothesis - otherised and stigmatised - you become the prop in a proposition.
Being thought of as sexy makes one employable, but it's not going to last forever, so I try not to think about it. It's like something that exists outside of me.
A vast abortion industry, generating some half a billion dollars annually, sprang into existence in the wake of Roe and Doe.
We know that in 2001 it was believed 78 stem cell lines existed. But now we know there are only 22 that are viable, and they have been contaminated with mouse stem cells.
There is no refutation of Darwinian evolution in existence. If a refutation ever were to come about, it would come from a scientist, and not an idiot.
I have often said that I am a passionate Darwinian when it comes to explaining why we exist.
To exist, the triangle demands three complementary elements: love, power and danger. Mixed incautiously, these elements, like those in physics, are volatile and potentially explosive.
If every plant and flower were found in all places, the charm of locality would not exist. Everything varies, and that gives the interest.
On my travels around the world, I've met people in countries where democracy doesn't exist and if it does, they are intimidated into voting in a certain way.
Our sole purpose on this earth is to add value to others. It doesn’t make sense to just exist in people's lives or to be a drain on them, does it?
Nu. Nu ma întelegi. De ce lasa el sa existe boala si bolnavi? Din doua una:ori e rau, ori nu prea e cine stie ce de capul lui.
It is possible to spend one's entire lifetime without ever experiencing the mystical realms or even without being aware of their existence.
It is possible to see the intermediate state between lives as being in a way more important than incarnate existence.
Intuition is to develop a trust in yourself, and to the silent whisperings of your heart. If you trust yourself, you can trust others, you can trust existence.
God is all that exists. Every stone, flower, tree, animal and human being are on a spiritual journey to recognize their true self, their divine essence.
I would prefer to live with bleeding heart where desire see darkness of uncertainty because I need to know the existence of love
My characters are fictional. I get ideas from real people, sometimes, but my characters always exist only in my head.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.
The family exists for many reasons, but its most basic function may be to draw together after a member dies.