Law will take over because law always carries with it a sense of security and manipulative power.
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual GrowthThe road of doubt leads to the dead-end of despair. Time to change directions!" HS/el
A Cup of Hope for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit PowerTo resist evil is to stand firm against the wrong committed without reacting to the wrong-doer!
A Cup of Grace for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit PowerGuilt addresses an external action while shame attacks the internal character!" EL
A Cup of Grace for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit PowerGuilt can teach us to become better; shame causes us to become bitter." EL
A Cup of Grace for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit PowerThe destination is made more meaningful by and through the journey. Don't give up!" HS/EL
A Cup of Hope for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit PowerLaughter from yesterday that makes the heart giggle today brightens the perspective for tomorrow.
A Cup of Hope for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit PowerIf 'truth' is an 'unveiled reality,' then my truth may not be your truth yet!
A Cup of Hope for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit PowerYou have a direct line to Christ; He’s waiting for your call". HS/el
A Cup of Hope for the Day: Coffee Hour with Chicklit PowerConcentrated power is bad" "(name of chapter)
Change to Chains-The 6,000 Year Quest for Control -Volume I-Rise of the Republic