For me, embracing my own power is about embracing my right to be an individual.
Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people.
It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.
The power of the white world is threatened whenever a black man refuses to accept the white world's definitions.
I can't sing, perform, do anything apart from Christ. I have no power or strength of my own.
Without the power of the Industrial Union behind it, Democracy can only enter the State as the victim enters the gullet of the Serpent.
And when power ballads come back, we'll get big hair again.
Engineers are behind the cars we drive, the pills we pop and the way we power our homes.
Most of the power of painting comes through the manipulation of space... but I don't understand that.
The only power deserving the name is that of masses, and of governments while they make themselves the organ of the tendencies and instincts of masses.
I think that power comes in numbers, and we're in an industry where the actors need to have a bigger voice.
Some wars have been due to the lust of rulers for power and glory, or to revenge to wipe out the humiliation of a former defeat.
Freewill means that the Universe never judges, never interferes with your own choices - and sees you as a being of equal creative power.
When journalists forget that our job is to question and annoy those in power, there can be huge consequences.
People want to be special. I think ambition can take in a whole package of things, power or sexual excitement.
People like Elizabeth Dole have given too much power to the special interests.
If America would withdraw from South Korea, there could be a power struggle between such as China and Japan.
People in positions of power and privilege have a duty to perform at a higher level. If not them, then who?
Coal companies have a lot of power in the media, and unfortunately a lot of information doesn't get out.
Power runs with ideas that only the crazy would draw into doubt.
Well, the United States is a Pacific power. And we have always had a presence in the Pacific.