The only true thing is what's in front of you right now.
Lately, I don't talk much except to Mel. I make an exception because he has a dog.
Last year my boyfriend gave me a painting - a very personal one. I really prefer personal gifts or ones made by someone for me. Except diamonds. That's the exception to the rule.
No man can be a politician, except he be first a historian or a traveller; for except he can see what must be, or what may be, he is no politician.
With the exception of certain rodents, no other vertebrate except Homo sapiens habitually destroys members of his own species.
Life is so diversified that to any statement I could make about living organisms there are exceptions. Because of the many exceptions, I should qualify everything I say with hedging phrases such as 'generally,' 'usually,' and 'almost always' But I'm ...
Everything is small at the beginning and then grows; except trouble, which is big at the beginning and still grows.
people don't get me it's more rule than exception God bless exceptions
There is something that falls short of perfection in every book, without exception, something influenced by the age, even something ridiculous; just like everyone, without exception, has weaknesses.
How Ironic, when you do business you create exceptions to create new opportunities, when you write code (do a job) you handle exception to make it clean.
I think monogamy is a little unnatural, if I'm totally honest. You change. Things alter. It's the exception rather than the rule and I think it's exceptional to cope with it and manage it. It's hard work.
{We} have not to crown the exceptional man who knows he can rule; rather we must crown the much more exceptional man who knows he can’t.
Woodstock - I didn't see anybody play, except when I was standing backstage waiting to go on, because it was so muddy. And the weather was so horrible, you literally couldn't get there except by helicopter.
Good is never accomplished except at the cost of those who do it, truth never breaks through except through the sacrifice of those who spread it.
Almost without exception, the talented women I have known have believed they had less ability than they actually had. And almost without exception, the talented men I have known believed they had more.
I am convinced that, except in a few extraordinary cases, one form or another of an unhappy childhood is essential to the formation of exceptional gifts.
A cat will teach her young ones all the tricks, except how to jump backwards.
Well let's see; I'm not obsessed with... I like Walt Disney except that you know, except for the horrible fascism. I love the art of it. I like a lot of things I don't agree with and that's one of them.
how much he loved being alone except when he didn't, except when it got to be too much?
Having the right to happiness means having the right to earn it, not having it given to you without effort and action on your part.
There is a master way with words which is not learned but is instead developed: a deaf man develops exceptional vision, a blind man exceptional hearing, a silent man, when given a piece of paper...