Just like science, there must be other kinds of sensations which haven't yet been felt by the human heart at all.
Current science and technology have unlocked all mysteries. We make sense of it in a gradual process under law and order.
Is it not time to cry that the blind shall see, the deaf hear, the lame walk? But that which fanaticism formerly promised to its elect, science now accomplishes for all men.
Why is it that showers and even storms seem to come by chance, so that many people think it quite natural to pray for rain or fine weather, though they would consider it ridiculous to ask for an eclipse by prayer?
An event in the present evokes past sensations. But science couldn't explain how a foolish heart had the power to overrule common sense.
Science, where would scientists be without it? They’d probably still be in my basement, where I left them a few minutes ago.
Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer; art is everything else.
… between the irrational promoted in churches and the Darwinian pseudo-science taught in schools, a revolution in the way we understand reality is not only necessary but also long overdue.
A body of work such as Pasteur's is inconceivable in our time: no man would be given a chance to create a whole science. Nowadays a path is scarcely opened up when the crowd begins to pour in.
Yeah, but will it hurt?”’ I asked. “This is science, Zach,” Randy said, reassuringly, as he tilted my head back and lowered the lens to my eye. “Of course it will hurt.
Every discovery in science and art, is due to the trained power of seeing things ... Keep your eyes open, your ears open ... Trace difficulties.
Philosophy ... is a science, and as such has no articles of faith; accordingly, in it nothing can be assumed as existing except what is either positively given empirically, or demonstrated through indubitable conclusions.
To deny the necessity or value of metaphysics is to assert a metaphysical principle, just as to say a religion must be without dogmas is to assert a dogma.
This, in essence, is the problem with the scientific view of reality. Science is a kind of glorified tailoring enterprise, a method for taking measurements that describe something - reality - that may not be understood at all.
If science took my IQ and spread it evenly among the world's population, like mental mayonnaise, we'd have more art, less war, and higher cholesterol.
Islam deals not only with what man must and must not do, but also with what he needs to know. In other words, Islam is both a way of acting and doing things and a way of knowing.
In my laboratory, I use science to measure love. Whatever you do, don’t drink out of beaker number two.
Religion is the subjective experience. Science is the objective reality. To argue either is a ridiculous waste of time and energy.
Spirituality is the poetry of our experience. Science is the gauge of our reality. Together, they create the essence of our humanity.
And that, Pavel, is why you shouldn't use magic for every tiny little thing. Where you can put your trust in science, that's what you should do.
Are we all just Dark Age doctors, swearing by our leeches? We crave a greater science. We want to be proven wrong.