Excellence is the result of loving more than others think is necessary, dreaming more than others think is practical, risking more than others think is safe, and doing more than others think is possible. Every day is a golden opportunity to learn, pr...
For the normative self-understanding of modernity, Christianity has functioned as more than just a precursor or catalyst. Universalistic egalitarianism, from which sprang the ideals of freedom and a collective life in solidarity, the autonomous condu...
Benjy Benjamin: [while Benji tries to fly the plane, Ding tries putting head phones on Benji's head] Hey, get outta here. Ding Bell: Put them on. Benjy Benjamin: I don't wanna. Ding Bell: Benji, I tell you, he said the man who's flying should be talk...
Father Bobby: I'm telling you as a witness... and as a priest. We were at the game. Michael: Yes, as a priest, and a priest wouldn't lie? Am I right? Father Bobby: A priest with ticket stubs wouldn't need to lie. I always keep the stubs. Do you want ...
Fernand: Monte Cristo! Edmond: King's to you, Fernand. Fernand: Edmond? How did you... Edmond: How did I escape? With difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure! Fernand: So you've taken Mercedes. Edmond: And everything else. Except your l...
Roy Neary: Is that it? Is that all you're gonna ask me? Well I got a couple of thousand goddamn questions, you know. I want to speak to someone in charge. I want to lodge a complaint. You have no right to make people crazy! You think I investigate ev...
Vincent: They project onto you their flaws, what they don't like about themselves. I had a father like that. Max: Mothers are worse. Vincent: Wouldn't know. My mother died before I remember her. Max: What about your father? Vincent: Hated everything ...
Sofia: Sat in that jail, I sat in that jail til I near about done rot to death. I know what it like to wanna go somewhere and cain't. I know what it like to wanna sing... and have it beat out 'ya. I want to thank you, Miss Celie, fo everything you do...
Francine Parker: Stephen, I'm afraid. You're hypnotized by this place. All of you! You don't see that it's not a sanctuary, it's a prison! Let's just take what we need and get out of here! Stephen: Do you have any idea how many times we would have to...
Ten Bears: [in Lakota; subtitled] Let us smoke a while. John Dunbar: [voiceover] With Ten Bears, it was always more than a while. There was purpose in everything he did, and I knew he wanted me to stay. But I was sure of myself. I would be an excuse,...
Vasilli: Ludmilla and Anton were killed today. And it was my fault. Danilov: No, I'm sure that's not true. Vasilli: It was a German sniper. I walked them right into his trap. Danilov: What else can you tell me? Vasilli: He didn't relocate. A sniper w...
Alex: [voice over] This is my miniature brother, Igor. I am tutoring him to be a man of this world. For an example, I exhibited him a smutty magazine three days yore. Igor: [in Russian] Why is it dubbed sixty-nine? Alex: [voice over] I explain it to ...
[Ray explains Terence Mann's "pain" to Annie] Ray Kinsella: The man wrote the best books of his generation. And he was a pioneer of the Civil Rights and the anti-war movement. I mean, he made the cover of Newsweek. He knew everybody. He did everythin...
Scarlett: Now I didn't come to talk silliness about me, Rhett. I came 'cause I was so miserable at the thought of you in trouble. Oh, I know I was mad at you the night you left me on the road to Tara, and I still haven't forgiven you! Rhett Butler: O...
Hermione: Harry? Is that you? Harry: Yeah. Hermione: How are you feeling? Ok? The key is to concentrate. After that, you just have to... Harry: Battle a dragon. Hermione: [gasps and starts hugging Harry. Then a camera flash breaks them apart] Rita Sk...
Seaman Jones: Conn, sonar! Crazy Ivan! Capt. Bart Mancuso: All stop! Quick quiet! [the ships engines are shut down completely] Beaumont: What's goin' on? Seaman Jones: Russian captains sometime turn suddenly to see if anyone's behind them. We call it...
Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: [after Stark's one night stand with Christine] I have your clothes here; they've been dry cleaned and pressed. And there's a car waiting for you outside that will take you anywhere you'd like to go. Christine Everheart: You m...
Dave Lizewski: Even with my metal plates and my fucked up nerve endings, I gotta tell you, that hurt! But not half as much as the idea of leaving everything behind. Katie, my dad, Todd and Marty... and all the things I'd never do. Like learn to drive...
[Gazelle places the blankets over the corpses, then opens the door to welcome Valentine with a glass of whisky] Gazelle: Everything is clean. Valentine: My kind of welcome. [Valentine sips whisky before approaching Professor Arnold] Valentine: No sto...
Old Lady: [investigating the noise] What's happening out there? Malky: All right, ma'am, go away, DEA. Police. Old Lady: Why don't you leave that poor family alone? Malky: [to Stansfield] It's all right, everything's al right. Just calm down. Stansfi...
Slevin: But I'm not Nick. Elvis: Yeah, well, unfortunately for you, you're not the first cat to tell me you wasn't the guy I was looking for. Slevin: You can ask Lindsey. She lives across the hall! Elvis: Yo, man, I ain't askin' nobody nothin'! Nick,...