Pride and curiosity are the two scourges of our souls. The latter prompts us to poke our noses into everything, and the former forbids us to leave anything unresolved and undecided.
There's something about sports. You can be setting fire to cats and burying them in your backyard, but as long as you're playing team sports, people think you're okay.
And why is it all men think everything a woman writes is trivial or trashy-or just plain silly drivel? Don't men have romantic notions? Don't men dream of finding the perfect love?
Oh how warm it makes one to know that there is one person in the world to whom one is everything. A lover is the most precious, the most marvelous possession.
Nothing would be easier without you, because you are everything, all of it- sprinkles, quarks, giant donuts, eggs sunny-side up- you are the ever-expanding universe to me.
One can acquire everything in solitude except character.
Just like your father, Ryan—blunt, abrasive and cursing like a sailor.” He moved closer until he was just inches from him and added with a wink, “Everything I liked about him.
De todos los tópicos acerca de la política, existe uno que se defiende con más fuerza que el resto: el dinero compra elecciones.
Insure your reading is in alignment with your goals. Read everything you can find on your goals and your profession. It's the best investment you can make.
I brought my lips down to hers, and it was like everything that had ever happened to me had simply been a warm-up for this moment, that this was where my life truly began.
Their love story had ended long ago, and yet one smile from him brought it all back, the joy, the heartache, everything. True love stories never have endings.
In the bare room under the old library on the hill in the town at the tip of the small peninsula on the cold island so far from everything else, I lived among strangers and birds.
You flirt with everything." She could tell that her eyes were popping-- her eyeballs actually felt cold around the edges. "You flirt with old people and babies and everybody in between.
Once, there were no predators, no prey. Only harmony. There were no quakes, no storms, everything in balance. In the beginning, time was all at once and forever — no past, present, and future, no death. We broke it all.
Sure,” she said, and hugged the laptop bag closer. “What could go wrong?” Michael’s eyes flashed to meet hers in the rearview mirror. Besides everything, I mean,” she said.
Bourbon, Kentucky bourbon especially, is like Dante’s Inferno in a glass, fire walks down your throat, lungs, and heart and everything in between with an unpleasant after-taste. We got along just fine.
It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. You can let go of the sword." "I can’t. I can’t leave him alone. I have to protect him." "You have.
Look at the stars,” said Tim. “Don’t you ever wonder what they’re for?” The Night was an open book of constellations. “They’re for the same as everything else, “said Sam. They’re just for themselves.” The stars silently agreed.
[I]t occurred to me that the voracious ambition of humans is never sated by dreams coming true, because there is always the thought that everything might be done better and again.
God can bring good out of everything; both the open doors and the closed doors.
...but don't tell me I'm not sensitive to beauty. That's my Achilles' heel, and don't you forget it. To me, everything is beautiful. Show me a pink sunset and I'm limp, by God...