if you want to be alive - invent yourself every moment
Every little girl wanted to be Natalie Wood, as did I.
'Shadow Souls' pushes probably every border that you can.
Every guilty person is his own hangman.
When my 'Scientific American' arrives every month, I read it cover to cover.
I die pretty much every year. I find it amusing.
Every dance is a kind of fever chart, a graph of the heart.
It's every singer's dream to get to Carnegie Hall.
Almost every country in Africa has now instituted multi-party democracy.
If you are not rising with ethics, you will sink with every rise!
There is no vacation for a writer! Every moment of his life is work!
Every band I've come across has read more than I have.
I pace myself by taking a week-long vacation every four months.
I get about 25 letters a month, and I answer every one of them.
Every word she writes is a lie, including and and the.
The seed of every sin known to man is in my heart”.
The station put us on staff at $35 a week... and I mean every week.
Every suit I wear is custom-made by a guy named Waraire Boswell in L.A.
Every lie needs, and gives birth to, another lie
It all comes down to the density of the wood. Every guitar's different.
Every performance is an opportunity to have something new or to learn something new.