The army is under orders to defend every place.
Somewhere in the world there is an epigram for every dilemma.
Privacy isn't negotiable. It's the right of every American.
Now, I was the Summer Concert guy. I played every Summer concert there was.
There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.
I don't believe every download is a lost sale.
Every writer, to some extent, writes about himself.
Every chemical reaction has a transition state.
Every problem that is interesting is also soluble.
Gratitude is a burden, and every burden is made to be shaken off.
The desire to belong is in every mind.
Every triumph has to overcome the fear of tragedy.
Every thing you want, is on the other side of fear.
With every breath i take, I take one for her.
Colder by the hour, more dead with every breath.
The blues tells a story. Every line of the blues has a meaning.
Every bond is a bond to sorrow.
Every man's got to figure to get beat sometime.
Almost every venerable tradition at a men's club starts out as a joke.
Americans have grown impatient with the relentless politicizing of every area of life.
Every time your picture is taken, you lose a part of your soul.