For every ailing foot, there is a slipper.
Every age wants its playthings.
Not every thunderclap is followed by lightning.
Every dog is a lion at home.
Every excuse is good, if it works.
Every raisin contains a pip.
Every one to his taste.
Every song, every form of art, clothing, shoes, it has to be special.
Cakes are special. Every birthday, every celebration ends with something sweet, a cake, and people remember. It's all about the memories.
The harder I train every day on the track and in the gym, the more trust I gain in myself.
I do Skid Row every night.
I speak to God every day.
There is pressure every day as a footballer.
There are fundamentalist psychopaths in every religion in the world. Every single one.
Every capitalist is rich, but every rich is not a capitalist.
I get to surf every day.
He said it with everything he did, every touch, every caress, every physical pleasure he bestowed upon me. Give it all to me. Give me your will.
Does it break my heart, of course, every moment of every day, into more pieces than my heart was made of...
I had gotten so used to being alone, but never entirely used to it. Never used to it enough to stop wanting the alternative.
Even now, he is every blue blazer getting into cab, every runner along the river,every motorcycle coming and going.
Don't despise the little steps you know you can take every day. There are tiny miracles in each and every one of them.