In every family's cooking pot is one black spot.
Every mother-in-law is a piece of the devil's pants.
Everyone according to their talent and every talent according to its work.
There is a pinch of the madman in every great man.
Every dog is a tiger in his own street.
Every patient is a doctor after his cure.
Where gold speaks every tongue is silent.
Every madman thinks all other men mad.
In calm water every ship has a good captain.
There's a black sheep in every flock.
Death is the black camel that kneels before every door.
I find love from time to time.
Anyone can be heroic from time to time, but a gentleman is something you have to be all the time.
Death stands behind every bride, every groom.
Every baseball crowd, like every theatre audience, has its own distinctive attitude and atmosphere.
It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.
When I was a waiter, I wanted to be the best waiter I could be and worked to be better at it every day.
I've been doing transcendental meditation every day on the road, and it's one of the best things I've ever done.
I want to be living out of a suitcase in a different city every day.
The show is different every night, because I never write a setlist.
Every man is the conscious or unconscious author of his state.