Every thought, every word, and every action that adds to the positive and the wholesome is a contribution to peace. Each and every one of us is capable of making such a contribution.
Every song has a composer, every book has an author, every car has a maker, every painting has a painter, and every building has a builder. So it isn't irrational to take this simple logic a little further and say that nature must have had a Maker. I...
There were timelines branching and branching, a mega-universe of universes, millions more every minute. Billions? Trillions? The universe split every time someone made a decision. Split, so that every decision ever made could go both ways. Every choi...
By the law of Christ, every man is bound to love his neighbour as himself; but every servant is a neighbour of every civil lord; therefore every civil lord must love any of his servants as himself; but by natural instinct, every lord abhors slavery; ...
If it weren't for sorrow and bad times, every day would be Christmas.
A good well-lived today makes every yesterday a dream of a good future, and every morning is a vision of hope.
Make the second 50 the best 50
Managers have people second-guessing them all the time.
And the second question, can poetry be taught? I didn't think so.
A lifetime of training for just ten seconds.
I love going to second-hand stores.
To us marriage is first, everything else is second.
My second marriage had a lot to do with alcohol.
Because in a split second, it's gone.
The piano is kind of my second instrument.
No one remembers who came in second.
Every action has an impact; choose wisely the impact you want to have.
It's funny being the big news every day - and the good news every day.
I advocate glamour. Every day. Every minute.
In the studio the director controls the actor's every move, every inflection, every expression.
Golf is evolving, every day, every shot.