Nobody should ever receive more money for a work of art than the artist who produced it.
Pansy Schneider-HorstThe only working model of socialism I have ever seen is in an elementary school classroom.
R.M. ArceJaegerMy favorite albumn ever is Jeff Buckley's GRACE. I feel a weird unexplainable connection to him.
Rachel BilsonWhoever you are, you will not write this book. I can tell you nothing. Do not call me again. Ever.
Roberto CalviThere's a saying among prospectors: 'Go out looking for one thing, and that's all you'll ever find.'
Robert J. FlahertyMay your feet ever walk in the light of two suns... and may the moonshadow never fall on you...
Robert FanneyThe Iron Curtain may be a thing of the past, but Mother Russia is as mysterious as ever.
Robert GottliebGold is hoarded. It's estimated that 95 percent of all gold ever mined is still around.
Robert Kiyosaki