In these days a man is nobody unless his biography is kept so far posted up that it may be ready for the national breakfast-table on the morning after his demise.
When a man has been consistently battering his wife, he shouldn't expect a bouquet of roses from her the morning after he promises to stop.
I never thought in a million years I'd be that healthy girl who wakes up every morning to exercise. After being called 'cherubic and chubby,' I'm rocking a bikini!
It only worked for a little while; the morning after I agreed to go with Universal, an article came out in the Hollywood trade papers, and the secret was out.
Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying power - a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment.
Women are not pals enough with men, so we must make ourselves indispensable. After all, we have the greatest weapon in our hands by just being women.
Satan understands the power of men and women united in righteousness. He is still stinging from his banishment into eternal exile after Michael led the hosts of heaven, comprised of valiant men and women united in the cause of Christ, against him.
After an unremitting and severe labour of two days, we returned to our old encampment with the loss of some of my horses, and my men excessively fatigued.
After the departure of the land parties, I embarked with six men on thursday, the 21st april, on board my newly made boat and began the descent of the river.
I remember my mom saying that after you have a baby you get really thin. So you gain all that weight and then you just lose it and keep losing it.
Content and technology are strange bed fellows. We are joined together. Sometimes we misunderstand each other. But isn't that after all the definition of marriage?
I was sent to a nice Church of England girls' school and at that time, after university, a woman was expected to become a teacher, a nurse or a missionary - prior to marriage.
I started making movies in the early '90s, a few years after I discovered 'the cinema' during a three month stay in Paris during which I watched 100s of films.
The only reason why I would like to be accepted? Because if your movies don't do well, after a while you don't get to make any more movies.
I am partly not conscious of structure with my movies, but this is when I am writing. I leave my mind very free, and then I correct it after.
[after Cab 3 has landed in the water] Lindsey Brigman: Hang on, gentleman. Touchdown. Crowd goes wild.
Paul Hackett: What's your name? Julie: Julie. Paul Hackett: My name's Paul. Julie: Rough night, Paul?
Tony Mendez: [after quizzing the hostages on their fake bios and the one hostage paused] Shoot him, he's an American spy!
Mad Hatter: [after "fixing" the White Rabbit's watch] Two days slow, that's what it is.
Red the Bum: [Marty has crashed into a theater after getting back to 1985] Crazy drunk driver.
[Five minutes after pulling a gun on Smokey] Walter Sobchak: It's all water under the bridge.