There are no words for so much loss, not right after it happens.
After long enough, everyone in the world will be you enemy.
After all, who would say life was good if they had no friend?
Remember to breathe. It is after all, the secret of life.
We gain new perspectives on life after every voyage.
I’ll name my firstborn child Squiblob, after his mother.
He did what heroes do after their work is accomplished; he died.
I now have anti-bodies to assholes after working for so many.
I kept a diary right after I was born. Day 1: Tired from the move. Day 2: Everyone thinks I'm an idiot.
I look my best when I take my helmet off after a long motorcycle ride. I have a glow and a bit of helmet hair.
Long after Salinger sent me away, I continued to believe his standards and expectations were the best ones.
In terms of doing another franchise after 'Transformers,' I don't know if that would be best for me. I'm really happy to inhabit the world of independent film.
I am doing what I love; acting is what I love best after being a mother.
Some of the best theorizing comes after collecting data because then you become aware of another reality.
The best time to release a film is on a festive date like Divali or Eid, or at a time when there are no big films three to four weeks before or after.
I mean, is there a chance for me? To have another life after this, a better one?
Sublime is something you choke on after a shot of tequila.
I am back in Los Angeles after a very successful run in Chicago as Billy Flynn.
My M.F.A was in directing, and all the films I've made, for film school and after, I've written, directed and shot.
Don't loaf and invite inspiration; light out after it with a club.
Before a man speaks it is always safe to assume that he is a fool. After he speaks, it is seldom necessary to assume it.