Never strike your wife, even with a flower.
Never strike your wife, not even with a flower.
The tongue is safe; even among thirty teeth.
Even a tin knocker will shine on a dirty floor.
Even a frog would bite if it had teeth.
Even the fool says a wise word sometimes.
Remember, even monkeys fall out of trees.
Even children of the same mother look different.
Tap even a stone bridge before crossing.
Three years will eradicate even murderous thoughts.
Even the bottom of a basket finds something to hold.
Even a clock that is not going is right twice a day.
Truth will take you everywhere -- even to jail.
You get used to everything -- even hell.
The gates of hell are always open, even at midnight.
Even a sugar mother-in-law tastes bitter.
Even a soft speech has its own poison.
Caution is not cowardice; even the ants march armed.
Even the mightiest eagle comes down to the treetops to rest.
If you are lucky, even your ox will calve.
Kindness is in a prison till it finds Release in words or deeds.