Since the debt limit simply accommodates debt that has already been incurred, raising it should, in theory, be perfunctory. But politicians have found it a useful shibboleth for showing their fealty fiscal discipline, even as they vote to ratify the ...
We men have always fought to protect others... since the ancient times. Even though we were naked, and only had sticks and stones to defend ourselves... we still had the elderly, the young, our wives, friends, family, and homes... and to protect all ...
When the wine is free even the judge drinks it.
Even the best cooking pot will not produce food.
A dog shows affection even to a poor family.
For people who love even water is sweet.
A boor remains a boor even if sleeping on silken pillows.
Even a fool can govern if nothing happens.
Even the devil is beautiful when he is young.
An ox remains an ox, even if driven to Vienna.
Always be well dressed, even when begging.
Even a sheet of paper has two sides.
One finger alone cannot even kill a louse.
Even foul water will quench fire.
Even the grave of the Lord has a paid guard.
Even the goats will jump on a slanted tree.
The devil gives even rich men presents.
Praise the fine day in the evening.
I eat you, life; you make me living eat.
Of all the possible pathways of disorder, nature favors just a few.
The only things that can ever be universal, in a sense, are scaling things.