There's a bit of magic in everything, and some loss to even things out.
Some even claim that I'm a terror, a dictator and they're right.
But even the longest day wears to sunset.
Before I could even hold a pen I was singing.
Even a single lamp dispels the deepest darkness.
No matter what I do, it somehow comes out right - even if it was a mistake!
Even when there are banalities, they're usually kind of benign banalities.
Even if you have to die tomorrow; die as a literate.
Don’t hate your enemies, they don’t even deserve it.
I was completely shocked that Prince would even know my name.
Sometimes you have to be cruel... in order to be even crueler.
Even I admit I may have peaked too soon.
Thirst is a language even the grass understands.
Some canaries love their cages, they even call them home.
Everything in moderation, even the truth
The true skeptic is skeptical even about skepticism.
I'm usually up at 6 A.M., even on the weekend.
I'm not a producer and I don't even know the places my producer goes to, thankfully.
Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained.
Even though I was theatrically trained, learning to develop a character was an awesome experience.
My fitness is good. I hope to improve it even further during training.