Yet the misty spring rain softened the outline of the mountain across the river and made it even more beautiful. So gentle was the rain that they hardly knew they were getting wet as they strolled back toward the car, not even bothering to put up the...
Nothing's a break for me. Not even the breaks are breaks.
Everything in the world is actually connected. That means, even if we get separated, we'll never be alone
Even death has a consciousness.
I don't even think about fame at all.
I'm obsessed with 'Homeland.' It's not even okay.
To understand is to forgive, even oneself.
Even then, our family was extraordinary, with ten kids.
I'm constantly working, even when I'm at home.
There's a little Christmas in all of us, I guess. Even in me.
A great song is one that is around even when I'm not.
Even a smile is a good deed.
Even Napoleon had his Watergate.
Even though it's tiring, I'm having the time of my life.
Even in normal life, I'm not the skinniest model.
Even though I'm Hispanic, I'm so white.
I don't even like to be naked in front of myself!
Even Azathoth is bored of this tune.
Kisses, even to the air, are beautiful.
I'm not even aware of my success. Success is such an illusion.
News isn't even the truth on television.