Faithfulness is my promise to love you forever
If you have reasons to love someone, you don’t love them.
Love the writing, love the writing, love the writing... the rest will follow.
I am falling in love with falling out of love
At the end of hatred, this is only love. Because there is always love.
Better to love for no reason than have reasons not to love.
I love the serenity as a tree loves its calmness.
When you love and it hurt, love more and love without expectation.
It is better to be nonjudgmental. Pure love is always unconditional.
If you love someone, unknowingly, you become beloved.
To understand, you have to love, but to gain wisdom you have to understand with love.
The weak can never fall in love because love is an adventure.
Love everyone like a flower loves the world.
Think about love, work with love, give away and live with love.
Why do you want to fall in love when love is inside you?
To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best.
Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience.
I love Mexican food, and there's a really good restaurant called El Parador that I love.
I love food, and I love drawing it, particularly.
I find it very easy to love because I grew up in such a loving family.
I love the business of business; I love the risk raking.