As Venus within Eros does not really aim at pleasure, so Eros does not aim at happiness. We may think he does, but when he is brought to the test it proves otherwise... For it is the very mark of Eros that when he is in us we had rather share unhappi...
What are the sources of poetry? Love and death and the paradox of love and death. All poetry from the beginning is about Eros and Thanatos. Those are the only subjects. And how Eros and Thanatos interweave.
Love in a night shall live and die, Love in a day shall wing and fly; Love in the Spring shall last an hour, Easily fade a spring-tide flower.
The words we read and words we write never say exactly what we mean. The people we love are never just as we desire them. The two symbola never perfectly match. Eros is in between.
Novels institutionalize the ruse of eros. It becomes a narrative texture of sustained incongruence, emotional and cognitive. It permits the reader to stand in triangular relation to the characters in the story and reach into the text after the object...
The essential fact which emerges ... is that the three smallest and most active reservoirs ( of carbon in the global carbon cycle), the atmosphere, the plants and the soil, are all of roughly the same size. This means that large human disturbance of ...
There is no art without Eros.
Eros is everywhere. It is what binds.
In una parola, ero troppo codardo per fare quello che sapevo essere giusto, così come ero stato troppo codardo per evitare di fare quello che sapevo sbagliato. A quel tempo, non avevo avuto nessuna esperienza del mondo e non imitavo nessuno dei suoi...
Eros will have naked bodies; Friendship naked personalities.
Within Eros, there is (the) promise; within Love there is (the) Truth.
Everything was illuminated. Everything was connected. Everything was one. Everything was love.
My eyes are my greatest sin.
There is always tension in women's gymnastics between athleticism, grace, performance, and eros.
Poverty in western Mexico is an Unconditional Sentence.
The world is in me and you are not even in the world yet.
Non ero triste per qualcosa in particolare, piangevo per tante cose insieme.
Ogni giorno è un buon giorno per cominciare ad essere un super eroe.
Eros is very close to death. And both things, in a way, balance each other.
E’ difficile parlare dell’importanza di un eroe immaginario. Ma gli eroi sono importanti. Gli eroi ci dicono qualcosa di noi stessi. I libri di storia ci dicono cosa siamo soliti essere, i documentari ci dicono chi siamo ora, ma gli eroi ci dicon...
The best way to avoid becoming a scapegoat is to find one.