And Beauvoir knew then the man was a saint. He's been touched by any number of medical men and women. All healers, all well intentioned, some kind, some rough. All made it clear they wanted him to live, but none had made him feel that his life was pr...
I intend to marry Michael, and squander all his money and run his life, and make sure he never again consorts with wicked women or gambles with licentious men. I promise I will henpeck him until he has no life beyond what I allow him, and when we die...
Gamache nodded. It was what made his job so fascinating, and so difficult. How the same person could be both kind and cruel, compassionate and wretched. Unraveling a murder was more about getting to know the people than the evidence. People who were ...
Garret went across the street to the library. There was a hole in the sidewalk the size of a bathtub. Construction was being done, was always being done. It was the journey that mattered, Garret thought woozily, the getting-there part. The mayor, and...
If you're having a bad hair day or a bad boy day, he'll whip up one of his yummy mango smoothies for you, sit you down, and say, "Little one, remember what's really important in life: a family that loves you, good friends, and not putting too much ga...
And the end of this paradox is that only when the child is thus free can he have the proper attachment to his parents; only when we allow his independence can he then freely offer us love and respect, without conflict and without resentment. It is th...
I am convinced that an immense number of people who have children should not have them, and do not particularly want them, except as "symbols" of family life. What they want are ideal children, not real ones; and as soon as the real ones show no inte...
All this, sadly enough, is truer of the more educated, higher-income, professional families. It is here that the competition is the greatest, the expectations most elevated. If the boy would be happier as a telephone linesman or a forest ranger, he i...
Ebola haunted Zaire because of corruption and political repression. The virus had no secret powers, nor was it unusually contagious. For centuries Ebola had lurked in the jungles of central Africa. Its emergence into human populations required the sp...
In all, 86 per cent of the increased life expectancy was due to decreases in infectious diseases. And the bulk of the decline in infectious disease deaths occurred prior to the age of antibiotics. Less than 4 per cent of the total improvement in life...
Apabila aku mencapai sesuatu selama di atas dunia, ini adalah karena rakyatku. Tanpa rakyat aku tidak berarti apa-apa. Kalau aku mati, kuburkanlah Bapakmu menurut agama Islam dan di atas batu kecil yang biasa engkau tulislah kata-kata sederhana: Di s...
Ya, aku orang yang bersifat adil. Aku kasih tahu apa yang harus kau lakukan. Kalau engkau bisa lulus ujian, kami akan membolehkanmu masuk. Nah, di sana ada danau dengan sebuah titian yang sangat kecil terentang di atasnya. Kalau engkau bisa selamat m...
Kekayaan Indonesia selama ratusan tahun dirampok oleh perusahaan asing, tak ada dari keuntungan itu ditanamkan lagi di bumi Indonesia. Berbeda dengan seorang patriot yang mencintai tanah tumpah darahnya, bangsa yang menjajah kami tidak memelihara tan...
Indonesia harus menguasai kesadaran diri dan rasa rendah diri. Ia membutuhkan rasa percaya diri. Itulah yang harus kuberikan kepada rakyatku sebelum aku meninggalkan mereka. Saat ini Sukarno lah yang menjadi faktor pemersatu di Indonesia. Setelah kep...
Negara Republik Indonesia tidak mungkin memerangi dirinya sendiri. Pilih satu di antara dua, Sukarno-Hatta atau partai komunis yang membentuk pemerintahan Sovyet di bawah Alimin dan Muso. Dengan rahmad Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Sukarno akan memimpin rakya...
Seorang Marhaen adalah oran yang memiliki alat-alat yang sedikut, orang kecil dengan milik kecil, dengan alat-alat kecil, sekedar cukup untuk bekerja bukan untuk orang lain dan tidak ada orang bekerja untuk dia. Tidak ada penghisapan tenaga seseorang...
I would wear pink because I knew my future was anything but rosy. I would accessorize myself to the hilt, and I would wear flirty shoes because my world needed more beauty to counter all the ugliness in it. I would wear pink because I hated gray, I d...
What are you babbling on about, woman?" sighed Chloe. She'd picked this phrase up from her father and imitated his weary tone perfectly. They'd made the mistake of laughing the first time she did it, so she'd kept it up, and said it just often enough...
Everything I see reminds me that in a few days I shall no longer see it... It's horrible... I shall see nothing more... nothing of what exists... the smallest objects that we use... glasses... plates... beds where people sleep so comfortably... carri...
Great. Now Renata would have even more reason to dislike her. Jane would have an enemy. The last time she had had anything close to an enemy, she was in primary school herself. It had never crossed her mind that sending your child to school would be ...
For what its worth, you're good for him," he said. Healther looked up at him, surprised. Von's green gaze held hers. "Family," he said. "It all comes down to who has your back when your tires are running down a strange road & who'll stop to help you ...