Military preparedness is absolutely a form of strength.
Cocktail music is accepted as audible wallpaper.
Canned music is like audible wallpaper.
I failed music when I was a teenager.
Both of my parents are actually music teachers.
Music has always been around with me.
Men die in despair, while spirits die in ecstasy.
Tennis is the loneliest sport
These humiliations are the essence of the game.
Beauty is a sign of intelligence.
People can be slave-ships in shoes.
I regret all of my books.
Every war has revolutionary justice.
In aid, the proper attitude is one omitting gratitude.
I started acting professionally at age 19.
At my age, the radiation will probably do me good.
Cinema is an art form.
Technology adds nothing to art.
Blest is that government where no art thrives.
I've got America's best writer for $300 a week.
The best films come about through experimentation.