Too many leaders value their popularity, protecting it at all cost, degrading their credibility.
44 Days of LeadershipI love your loneliness. It is brave. It makes the universe want to protect you.
Astonishing the GodsGod gave man the authority to rule and protect all the animals in the aquatic ecosystems.
The Alphabets of Success: Passion Driven LifeIf you want to protect me, prayer is just as powerful a weapon as that gun you carry.
Short-Straw BrideGood people protect people they love even if that means that pretending that everything is okay.
The Memory of RunningI get scared at night. That’s why I got a cat—for protection. Cats are deadlier than Teddy bears.
Sleepwalking is resterciseThere are a few things that even sarcasm can't protect you from.
Shadowhunters and Downworlders: A Mortal Instruments Reader