If you find diseases before they've really emerged, you can control them early on, before you get a major epidemic.
Personally, I don't get that whole reality show thing. It was much smaller, and it's grown. It's like an epidemic. I'm still rather confused by it.
Analysis paralysis is an epidemic that cripples countless dreams and great ideas. Be swift, decisive, and always move forward!
I couldn't open up a magazine, you couldn't read a newspaper, you couldn't turn on the TV without hearing about the obesity epidemic in America.
Economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research and University of Chicago persuasively argue that one of the biggest reasons for the nation's current obesity epidemic is that food is now so much cheaper and easier to prepare.
The only thing wrong with the NBA - or any other professional sport, for that matter - is a wild epidemic of Dumbness and overweening Greed. There is no Mystery about it, and no need to change any rules.
Those of us who lived through the worst of the HIV/AIDS epidemic from the early 1980s through the mid-1990s have a very special spot in our heart for home-based health care.
Today, diabetes is now epidemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, the American Diabetes Association and other national healthcare leaders.
If you look upon chronic diseases as an epidemic, and you see that the chronically ill are the poor, then you see that this issue of the uninsured is not really a moral but a financial obligation to change health care.
My father, who had previously been a civil engineer, died in the great influenza epidemic of 1918.
The ideal thing would be to have a 100 percent effective AIDS vaccine. And to have broad usage of that vaccine. That would literally break the epidemic.
China is certainly an important player in the global economy, and a widespread AIDS epidemic would threaten that growth.
There is an epidemic right now of girls dumbing themselves down... in middle school because they think it makes them attractive.
Epidemics follow patterns because diseases follow patterns. Viruses spread; they reproduce; they die.
Now a cholera epidemic was sweeping through Southeast Asia and south Asia in the early 1970s, so I started medical school and I joined a laboratory to work on this.
Without an adequate response, an epidemic can develop into a pandemic, which generally means it has spread to more than one continent.
To me, AIDS is an international epidemic and every country can be affected by it. Therefore, it can be discussed on an international level. Unfortunately, AIDS doesn't require a visa.
The Mayflower sped across the white-tipped waves once the voyage was under way, and the passengers were quickly afflicted with seasickness. The crew took great delight in the sufferings of the landlubbers and tormented them mercilessly. "There is an ...
Just as a stressful life can make you depressed, continuing exposure to stressors maintains depression.
Some of the epidemic may overwhelm society as a physical expression of energy hysteria.
Faith in Christ leaped from person to person like some divine epidemic, not of disease but of spiritual health.