The two came to differ on many, if not most, issues. But the man who would single-handedly defy Hitler in 1940 against all odds bears a striking resemblance to the man who organized the first satyagraha campaign in South Africa.
I could croak with no warning, and the only tragedy anyone would experience would be showing up on the last day of my estate sale simply to discover that all remaining items had copious amounts of dog hair on them.
At this period, too, Leningraders resorted to their most desperate food substitutes, scraping dried glue from the underside of wallpaper and boiling up shoes and belts. (Tannery processes had changed, they discovered, since the days of Amundsen and N...
Life should have epic story
History is nothing if not an epic tale of missed opportunities.
'No Country for Old Men' was epic.
Then the coxswain called out, 'Ready all!' Joe turned and faced the rear of the boat, slid his seat forward, sank the white blade of his oar into the oil-black water, tensed his muscles, and waited for the command that would propel him forward into t...
[Alon Johnson] Later wrote that, "coming through a battered building near a well known and dangerous doorway. I heard something unfamiliar -- the sound of excited voices somewhere in the distance. The significance of this babble seemed to escape the ...
The author points to the impact of what he called Dutch disease, where the discovery of found wealth from a particular commodity causes a culture to atrophy with respect to work ethic and broader development. Continuing wealth from the single commodi...
Many more have died of attempting love than victory, and countless numbers hate love more than war. Honor has often been the dear prize awarded to the killers of lovers. The epics of war have always and still outnumber the epics of love. For those wh...
My darlings, if I can't write dark, epic music, I can't live!
I am associated with techno epics.
We live in the most epic of fantasy worlds.
Feminine passion is to masculine as an epic is to an epigram.
Arcade Fire has such intimacy and epic-ness, at the same time, and that's really inspiring.
I don't ever do those kind of epic, huge, green-screen movies.
All the men in my life have been two things: an epic and an epidemic.
I love historical movies. I want to make a violent medieval epic.
[from trailer] Kim Pine: That... was *epic.*
I love all things Queen - their songs are epic storytelling.
I've read 'Valley of the Dolls' at least four times. It's so epic!