You are making a difference in Life. Whether or not you realize it, every action, every re-action, or every non-action impacts Life. The question to ask yourself is not whether you are making a difference, but whether that difference is positive or n...
My fingers positively itched to drift at length along their spines, to arrive at one whose lure I could not pass, to pluck it down, to inch it open, then to close my eyes and inhale the soul-sparking scent of old and literate dust.
Approach the goal you’ve set with a positive, grateful attitude, and your perception about the goal and the journey will feel less like work, and more like fun.
Positive people know what they are about to do and why. Because of this, when they are being haunted by the premature quest to give up, they focus their minds onto the joy of accomplishing their pursuits.
Become a positive person by seeing the bigger picture of whatever you dream of doing. Dream big and act big! It’s your time to have a bigger image of you!
Don't complain. It's just a way of explaining your pains for no gains. Wake up to your calling... Wear a positive move and say your desires to God!
Always remember...the stronger your position in life, the more enemies you're gonna have .. while friends come and go.
Myth: Bail-in plans would recapitalize big banks. Fact: big banks are far too insolvent to remotely be in a position for such restoration.
It is vitally important to discern your true heart's desire. Your heart's desire is different from fleeting wants or insatiable cravings. Your heart's desire is positive, life-enhancing, and beneficial to you and others.
If you don’t see the images on a screen because people block your view, it is easier to adjust your sitting position than to call for an adjustment of the screen! You need to change yourself!
Have a positive mentality; think it's possible. You can build on something little.... you can create something little from nothing.... and this means you build on nothing! Get something to do!
When indeed you positively press your face, so to speak, against the crystalline window of your eyes, your mind is apt to become a perfect vacuum. ("Out Of The Deep")
See the world as being filled with positive potential. Focus your attention on your intention and make that potential a reality in your life.
Betemit's positional flexibility is the same as yours: He can stand around and muse about the great philosophical debates of our day anywhere on the field. Catching and throwing the baseball is an entirely different question.
It's so easy to focus on the anguish and the misery; it's harder, somehow, to acknowledge the positive, maybe for fear of jinxing it, bringing the nightmare back down on our heads.
Stop focusing on what others keep doing wrong; Be positive. Be a light & influence for others. Make a difference in our world.
No matter what happens in your life...always try to chose the less stressful roads in your life. They will positively always lead you quicker to the land of happiness!
You can never expect to live a positive life if you continue to hangout with negative people. The way you will live!
One way or another, we spend our whole lives being conditioned into accepting some line or order, some position of domination or subjection. It’s hard to unlearn such hierarchy, to undo such control. It’s implicit.
Because I'm a Karamazov. Because when I fall into the abyss, I go straight into it, head down and heels up, and I'm even pleased that I'm falling in just such a humiliating position, and for me I find it beautiful.
Fear and anxiety many times indicates that we are moving in a positive direction, out of the safe confines of our comfort zone, and in the direction of our true purpose.