I think downloading is both saving and killing the music industry at the same time.
I dedicated almost 12 years to the music industry before having children.
The music industry has been hijacked by corporate interests, but the way music affects people and resonates with them hasn't changed.
One thing the music industry has taught me is to manage my expectations.
I think Paul McGuinness and U2 created the Irish music industry. It certainly wasn't there before that.
You should have long since gotten rid of military-industrial complexes.
A lot of self-importance goes on in the fashion industry. I'm not like that.
China's movie industry is growing a lot faster than that of the U.S.
In the fashion industry, everything goes retro except the prices.
It is not enough to be industrious; so are the ants. What are you industrious about?
Britain has the most creative, dynamic and nimble fashion industry in the world.
The meat and poultry industries are outstanding industries, and it's going to be a very natural fit for me.
I walked into this industry blond with red lips, and I will leave this industry blond with red lips. Mark my words.
Perhaps more than any other, the food industry is very sensitive to consumer demand.
Part of what I have to represent is an alternative to this perverted fashion industry concept of what beauty is.
The men in the steel industry who sacrificed their all were nor merely aiding their fellows at home but were adding strength to the cause of their comrades in all industry.
If you have great talents, industry will improve them: if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency.
Many talk about a guest worker program. I think most reasonable people believe that a guest worker program in the farming industry, perhaps in the gardening and landscape industries, is reasonable.
I'm very distanced from the comics industry. I love the comics medium, but I have no time for the industry.
My parents had a factory, so I was linked to the textile and fashion industry.
The financial industry is a service industry. It should serve others before it serves itself.