You can only realize change if you live simply. Once people want enormous excess, you can hardly do social change.
Around the world, climate change is an existential threat - but if we harness the opportunities inherent in addressing climate change, we can reap enormous economic benefits.
Revolutions demand enormous sacrifices and, at the same time, create a new need to change the world again.
My point is this, the Government made this decision to ban totally beef exports into Indonesia, even to compliant abattoirs and this will have enormous consequences for the beef cattle industry across Australia.
At times like that it's difficult to remember what's at stake, that history is in the making. As a player you feel so cut off sometimes, it can be tough... Which is why it is an enormous advantage to play at home.
The problem was Le Corbusier was a genius and an enormous artist, but he tried to resolve problems to which there is no solution. So the idea to demolish the centre of Paris in order to adapt it to the car - he drew it! - is something not even the mo...
When Princess Diana died, I couldn't understand why people were mourning her death in such an enormous, hysterical way when they didn't actually know her for real.
Biofuels such as ethanol require enormous amounts of cropland and end up displacing either food crops or natural wilderness, neither of which is good.
To be candid with you, free agency hurts all sports. It's great for athletes making an enormous amount of money. But to say it helps the sports, I don't believe that.
I try to find humor in everything I do, because I think all great plays - even great tragedies - have enormous humor in them.
Well we have a good working relationship with Microsoft at the development level. But let's not kid ourselves, this is a company with enormous resources and talented people, and there is a certain pride that comes along with that for them and for us.
The fear of murder has grown so enormous in the United States that it leaves a taint, like the mark of Cain, on everyone murder touches.
And I thank God I believe in God, or I would probably be enormously angry right now.
I have enormous respect for anyone who would offer to sacrifice their life to defend my right to live. Is there any greater gift one can give another?
Hitler never abandoned the cloak of legality; he recognized the enormous psychological value of having the law on his side. Instead, he turned the law inside out and made illegality legal.
I love research so much that I do an enormous amount; it helps put off the moment of starting to write the story.
I am enormously uncool. I've made a cottage industry of being uncool. And I'm fine with that.
It's remarkably easy to dig up enormous amounts of information about individuals, without their consent.
Nonfiction requires enormous discipline. You construct the terms of your story, and then you stick to them.
You know, there are some areas of the state that are providing enormous help to their students; there are others where they're not doing what they can.
An enormous amount of ingenuity and creativity goes into commercials, and they can be fascinating if you pay attention.