I enjoy countless hundreds pursuing me. I love those who love me the most. I am sort of flattered by men showing attention to me.
I am a serious businesswoman. I don't enjoy being out there on TV; it's not what I do well. But I love building companies; I love making products.
If I'm in a relationship, I'm 1,000% in it. I love doing things for them and surprising them. And that's just something I thoroughly enjoy and it gives me a lot of pleasure. I just haven't found that right girl yet.
I really enjoy the consolation when I'm having to cut loose stuff I love, of saying 'Well, at least it will make it onto DVD.' There's a couple of scenes which I liked very much, but couldn't fit them into the film that are on there.
I'm a purist, and I love the sport. I loved the '60s and '70s, when the fans even enjoyed the races where only four cars finished, and they were two laps apart.
I enjoy sharing my books as I do my friends, asking only that you treat them well and see them safely home.
Enjoy every moment to the fullest, but don't forget to plan for a future that's better than where you currently stand. Life is a journey of continuous progress.
I don't want to prove to anyone or prove to myself. I'd rather just enjoy and show myself that I am capable of doing it and actually going through the process.
I hate the way market forces try to separate us out in to the appropriate demographic - basically in order to sell us things. We need to find stories that we can enjoy together, not separately.
I enjoy personal injury cases. I've tried quite a few of those. And, frankly, any kind of litigation that is trouble-shooting, whether it's equities, suits and injunctions, or whatever.
On Tumblr, I'm really careful about not following too many things. I enjoy going on there to discover new things more than anywhere else now.
Few enjoy noisy overcrowded functions. But they are a gesture of goodwill on the part of host or hostess, and also on the part of guests who submit to them.
Do not let the word 'tripe' deter you. Let its soothing charms win you over, and enjoy it as do those who always have!
But we must create in each person a sense of responsibility in order that each one of us can have the right to enjoy all his rights.
There was a scene cut out of 'Big Fat Liar' (2002) where I had to wear a dress. This may sound kind of weird, but I really enjoyed shooting that scene.
I cannot let this opportunity pass without placing on record how much I have enjoyed my cricket with Kent.
My hardest thing was to let go, to be happy for everybody and just to enjoy. And go back to being what you were before you became an artist, and that was just a fan.
The reward is every night. The 90 minutes is such a payoff for us every night; it makes it all worth it to us. The fans who come to the shows know how much we enjoy this.
I never thought that sex was wrong, sinful, dirty. When you take away the thought of things being dirty or forbidden, then you can really enjoy your sensuality.
I felt that I had to write. Even if I had never been published, I knew that I would go on writing, enjoying it and experiencing the challenge.
All gut strings. That's just the first kind of guitar I played, it was a nylon string guitar. And to me, it's the purest form of guitar making, and I just enjoy doing it.