Status-driven, conspicuous consumption thrives from the language of novelty.
It's very hard having a career in different continents and two different languages.
I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain.
Language is a part of our organism and no less complicated than it.
An entire mythology is stored within our language.
The German language speaks Being, while all the others merely speak of Being.
I feel that I speak the musical language.
silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation.
Language should be an ever developing procedure and not an isolated occurrence.
Language thus becomes monumental because of the mutations of advertising.
The feeling itself is the language your Higher Self listens to.
The writer's job is to free language from the prison of ideas.
Thought is a dead end; language is a merry-go-round.
To speak only one language is to do yourself a great injustice.
Language is a nice way to remember things.
Music is the language of the soul, the voice of the heart, and a message from the eternity.
Love is the language of the heart, which everyone understands.
Language also acts like love in form.
The power of mathematics is often to change one thing into another, to change geometry into language.
I feel French is very close to Urdu. Both languages are beautiful. Sadly, their beauty is lost in translation.
I hope to get my name out there more in the Spanish-language business side of the world.