When denial is in play, a person simply refuses to recognize the truth, no matter how apparent.
E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of LoveEgo doesn't want us to be loving, forgiving and kind to each other or even to ourselves.
E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of LoveWe are not obliged to like everyone, only to love and forgive everyone, sometimes from a distance.
E-Go: Ego Distancing Through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and the Language of LoveIn Iraq, interpreters were ten times more likely to be killed than were U.S. troops.
Found in Translation: How Language Shapes Our Lives and Transforms the WorldTo deny access to translation and interpreting services oppresses human rights and violates laws.
Found in Translation: How Language Shapes Our Lives and Transforms the WorldBatting is like another language for Sachin, he always answers his critics by this language.
5 Feet 5 Inch Run Machine – Sachin TendulkarDecide and communicate what you are for, what you support – not what you are against.
Raise Your Verbal Vibration: Create the Life You Want with Law of Attraction Language, a min-e-bookTMFormal mathematics is nature's way of letting you know how sloppy your mathematics is.
Specifying Systems: The Tla+ Language and Tools for Hardware and Software Engineers