Time only has value when it intersects with energy.
I try to manage my time to conserve energy.
If you're playing with the best, you just rise up to that level.
I'm easily destroyed and I operate on emotional levels.
The whole concept of the devil is a metaphor on one level.
Everyone rises to their level of incompetence.
The Olympic Games is the ultimate level of competition.
I've learned that I've got to keep level-headed.
History is conjecture raised to the level of an art.
There is a level of appreciation for brothers and sisters in the hood.
For me, it's important to keep a level of anonymity.
Math and music are intimately related. Not necessarily on a conscious level, but sure.
We all have levels of performance.
I'm happiest when I have something to focus my energy on.
Music is energy. A mood, atmosphere. Feeling.
The collective energy of everyone is what really made Business 2.0 exciting.
I love the concept of community energy.
Crime is naught but misdirected energy.
We need to tackle energy poverty.
I'm spending all my time and energy on the project at hand.
For me the end of the year is always a time to reflect and recharge my energies.