It was one of those pictures that children are supposed to like but don't. Full of endearing little animals doing endearing things, you know?
There is something endearing about the weatherman.
My favourite movie is 'Terms of Endearment.'
Aurora Greenway: This is my moment.
One of my favorite comedies of all time is 'Terms of Endearment;' that's my pace.
Patsy Clark: You're my touchstone, Emma!
Aurora Greenway: [to a toddler] Gorgeous isn't everything.
Aurora Greenway: Come closer... come closer... come closer...
Alpacas are very endearing, and they all have very different personalities.
Garrett Breedlove: Wind in the hair! Lead in the pencil!
For it was intelligence that was the thin line between endearing rapscallion and idiot bastard. - Éibhear the Contemptible
Aurora Greenway: Don't worship me until I've earned it.
Aurora Greenway: You are not special enough to overcome a bad marriage.
Aurora Greenway: Grown women are prepared for life's little emergencies.
Aurora Greenway: How are you? It's not my fault, but I'm sorry.
There are endearing people who come into our lives and leave a soul print.
Aurora Greenway: [watching Garret with a toddler] She's too old for him.
Strangers are endearing because you don’t know them yet.
There is a time to provide advice and offer an opinion, and there is a time not to. Don't be too quick to offer unsolicited advice. It certainly will not endear you to people.
Garrett Breedlove: A hundred and six astronauts in the whole fucking world and I'm one of 'em!
Jenny was struck again by the contrast between his attractiveness and his shyness. It was endearing.