The living cell almost always contains, locked in its interior, the visible or invisible products of its physiological activity or its nourishment.
Developed countries and advanced developing countries must open their markets for products from the developing world, and support in developing their export and import capacity.
One succeeds in obtaining an equivalent production at a lower price by improving the arts, trades and agriculture and by developing the physical and moral qualities of workers, farmers and craftsmen.
One of the things I wanted to do with 'The Turn' was write a production of songs that could be stripped down to one or two instruments if you chose to do it.
Educated and productive young people are needed to help lift their countries out of poverty and create a wealthier, more secure world.
Whether they will or not, Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing production of the country demands it.
I do not believe that civilizations have to die because civilization is not an organism. It is a product of wills.
To say that mind is a product or function of protoplasm, or of its molecular changes, is to use words to which we can attach no clear conception.
In Europe, there is no television filmmaking legislation that could assist film production because private broadcasters are not interested in supporting Polish film.
WhatsApp will bring Facebook another billion users. We will be a billion-user product. Whether there is a direct valuation or an indirect valuation, there is value, and Facebook understands that well.
Seen that way, the wholesale transformation of production technologies that is mandated by pollution prevention creates a new surge of economic development.
Life in society requires consensus as an indispensable condition. But consensus, to be productive, requires that each individual contribute independently out of of his experience and insight.
Those who know me would tell you, 'Moily can't be cowed down.' I have plans to enhance domestic oil and gas production.
To demonstrate this simultaneity is by no means trivial, because it may for example happen that the product nucleus always forms in an activated state at first.
Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.
Junk is the ideal product... the ultimate merchandise. No sales talk necessary. The client will crawl through a sewer and beg to buy.
I don't read reviews until after I'm done with a production, but when I do finally get to them, I'm always sort of floored by what the bad ones say.
Chinese people today have strong demand for culture, but we need effective supply, and China needs innovative cultural products.
I try not to make snap judgments. I never, ever make conclusions about products I've never tried.
If the other fellow sells cheaper than you, it is called dumping. 'Course, if you sell cheaper than him, that's mass production.
In the late 1980s the amount of German films was down to four or five percent of the market, and the remaining 95 percent were American. It is now 20 to 30 percent German productions.