Absolute space, that is to say, the mark to which it would be necessary to refer the earth to know whether it really moves, has no objective existence.
The launch of a space shuttle can still make you weep with amazement and wonder, if you happen to be watching it.
After being boxed in by man and his constructions in Europe and the East, the release into space is exhilarating. The horizon is a huge remote circle, and no hills intervene.
I firmly believe in what Stephen Hawking says - that if we don't get off this planet, we're going to go berserk. We have to have more space.
I do strive to find projects that are trying to carve out some new space. I enjoy projects that leap away from the crowd a little bit.
In the army you feel violated - there's no private space. Writing was a life-saver, a way of recovering private territory.
What you lose in blindness is the space around you, the place where you are, and without that you might not exist. You could be nowhere at all.
Simply by living in this particular time and space, you're doing something nearly 100% of all other humans ever never could. Don't waste it.
Our goal is to show that you can develop a robust, safe manned space program and do it at an extremely low cost.
There are many unidentified bands in the spectra of stars. Wide bands are produced by some complex molecules in the interstellar space.
We are finding new areas in the ocean every day. It's as alien as going to outer space.
Because of my job, my hair gets played with a lot on set, so I try to give it little bit of breathing space when I'm not working.
San Francisco lags behind other communities in providing a vital, vibrant and ecologically sustainable urban canopy, as well as open space in the city.
In the United States there is more space where nobody is than where anybody is. That is what makes America what it is.
When all of us are acknowledged as the human equals that we really are, there will be no space left for bullying. It will no longer be wrong to choose one thing over another.
That's what I'm interested in: the space in between, the moment of imagining what is possible and yet not knowing what that is.
I feel very grateful that I have never had to be or ever chosen to be or accidentally found myself to be in the space of the other woman.
Even as a young child, I was a lover of books and of the spaces in which, as indeed in a sacred temple, books might safely reside.
When I've pictured what Heaven would be like, I've always imagined myself free to explore the outer reaches of space.
Few contemporary artists mined the space between the ordinary and the strange better than Orozco did.
Being virtually killed by a virtual laser in a virtual space is just as effective as the real thing, because you are as dead as you think you are.