Truly embracing the fragility and tensions of life...brings with it the possibility of true joy.
The Idolatry of God: Breaking Our Addiction to Certainty and SatisfactionSometimes you need to fight your demons yet, sometimes you just need to embrace them.
Sun Stealer: Hidden AnomalyGrace not only embraces you at your most shameful, it's the most effective antidote to sin.
Sexless in the City: A Memoir of Reluctant ChastityAlthough I am unconvinced that I desire life, I am not yet ready to embrace death.
Saturn's ChildrenOnly once you destroy who you think you are can you embrace who you truly are
The School for Good and EvilEmbracing a healing presence requires you to just be in the moment together.
The Mindful Caregiver: Finding Ease in the Caregiving Journey