I would much rather be a bad Luise Rainer than a second someone else.
As soon as one project is finished I like to go straight on to something else.
Eventually, somewhere - be it on the Internet or somewhere else - I will host some version of 'The Daily Show.'
The best gift you can give yourself is to give to someone else
I’m not going to die because I failed as someone else. I’m going to succeed as myself.
If at first you don't succeed, pay someone else to do it for you.
I always joke that everything else that I do is to support my theater habit.
I built my talents on the shoulders of someone else's talent.
Congress does investigations better than they do anything else.
If you're a caretaker, who are you when there's no one else to take care of?
Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.
The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else.
silence is the language of god, all else is poor translation.
Cats know, comin' out of four, they better be standin' on it, else they'll be standin' in it.
I did things with the microphone stand that no-one else has attempted to do.
You have to be willing to ask questions that almost no one else would ask.
Listen when the sirens sing. How else will you learn?
I put a lot of pressure on myself, more than anyone else.
Most of the people in New York are very often from somewhere else.
Retiring is one thing. Being retired is something else altogether.
Hire for passion and intensity; there is training for everything else.