Melvin Udall: Where do they teach you to talk like this? In some Panama City "Sailor wanna hump-hump" bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
Ghost Dog: There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment. If one fully understands the present moment, there is nothing left to do, and nothing else to pursue.
Manfred: Okay, you. Check for poop. Sid: Hey, why am I the poop-checker? Manfred: Because returning the runt was your idea, because you're small and insignificant, and because I'll pummel you if you don't. Sid: ...Why else? Manfred: NOW, Sid!
Louis: You see that old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and you will never die. Claudia: And it means something else too, doesn't it? I shall never ever grow up.
George Bailey: You're not talking to someone else? You know me, remember me, George Bailey? Mr. Potter: George Bailey. George Bailey, whose ship has just come in. Provided he has enough brains to climb aboard.
George Bailey: Its this old house. I don't know why we all don't have pneumonia. Draughty old barn! Its like living in a refrigerator. Why can't we live somewhere else instead of this measly, crummy old town?
The Bride: You want to come to the wedding? Bill: Only if I can sit on the bride's side. The Bride: You'll find it a bit lonely on my side. Bill: Your side always was a bit lonely. But I wouldn't sit anywhere else.
Big Joe: I thought I told you to bring me some good-looking kid, not this fat, sausage-chewing wino! Kelly: Well, if you were looking for a young boy, you should have sent somebody else, Joe.
Frodo: I miss the Shire. I spent all my life pretending I was off somewhere else. Off with you, on one of your adventures. But my own adventure turned out to be quite different. I'm not like you, Bilbo.
Algren: What else has she told you? Katsumoto: That you have nightmares. Algren: Every soldier has nightmares. Katsumoto: Only one who is ashamed of what he has done. Algren: You have no idea what I have done.
Poolside Woman: Oh... that's who you keep looking out the window for? Llewelyn Moss: Half... Poolside Woman: What else then...? Llewelyn Moss: Just looking for what's coming... Poolside Woman: Yeah... But no one ever sees that coming...
Martha Shaw: Look, a woman know when a man looks into her eyes and sees someone else. Young Noah: Now you know that I want to give you all the things that you want, right? But I can't, because they're gone... They're broken.
Noah: He got the notion into his head that if he restored the old house where they had come that night, Allie would find a way to come back to him. Some called it a labor of love. Others called it something else. But in fact, Noah had gone a little m...
Carmen: You're getting older, and you'll see that life isn't like your fairy tales. The world is a cruel place. And you'll learn that, even if it hurts. [throws the mandrake onto the fire] Ofelia: No! No! Carmen: Ofelia! Magic does not exist. Not for...
Ichabod Crane: Katrina, I might have killed you. Why have you come? Katrina Anne Van Tassel: Because no one else would go with you. Ichabod Crane: I am now twice the man, and it is your white magic.
Elinor Dashwood: Marianne, please try... I... I cannot... I cannot do without you. Oh, please, I... I-I have tried to bear everything else... I will try... Please, dearest, beloved Marianne, do not leave me alone.
Andy's Mom: [from trailer] [speaking to someone else] Andy's Mom: Andy's going to college. Can you believe it? Andy: Mom, I'm not leaving 'til Friday. Andy's Mom: [about Andy's toys in the toy chest] What are you going to do with these old toys?
[Old Rose is telling Lovett and his crew about the Titanic] Old Rose: It was the ship of dreams to everyone else. To me it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains. Outwardly, I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I ...
Columbus: [in voice-over] Tallahassee firmly believes that you have to blow off steam in Zombieland... or else you'll lose what's left of your mind. Well, if it makes him happy and keeps him from using that crowbar on me, then I say "Hey, go ape shit...
Do I want to be in St. Louis forever? Of course. People from other teams want to play in St. Louis, and they're jealous that we're in St. Louis because the fans are unbelievable. So why would you want to leave a place like St. Louis to go somewhere e...
Look, I want to be able to make the stupidest movies ever, because they make people laugh and they make money. But that's not all I want to do. And I think I've proven to some people - the ones paying attention - that I can do more. Everybody else, w...