However much you possess there's someone else who has more, and you'll be fancying yourself to be short of things you need to exact extent to which you lag behind him.
When I think of you, I immediately think of someone else. That’s what I call love, and that’s why I never call you.
Personally I think that competition should be encouraged in war and sport and business, but that it makes no sense in the arts. If an artist is good, nobody else can do what he or she does and therefore all comparisons are incoherent.
We are stuck on the obvious of this world, and it so fills our minds and our beings that there is little room for anything else, even if that "obvious" is merely a small part of what is real.
He was said to have the body of a twenty-five year old, although no-one knew where he kept it. The point was that everyone else had someone, even if in Nobby’s case it was probably against their will.
It is odd how, when you have a secret belief of your own which you do not wish to acknowledge, the voicing of it by someone else will rouse you to a fury of denial.
What should I get from books?” Alcide asked in French. That you are not alone — even along this broken tractor road. You need to know nothing else,” my father answered in French.
Women only cut their hair in times of crisis... It's somethin' a woman always has the power to do, even when she loses control over everything else. Cuttin' hair is a cry for help.
Knowing too much had turned him into something else, and he wasn't sure he liked this newer him, although he felt he could not stop being this other him, darker.
You’ve never had someone you love snatched,” I shot back, annoyed by her ignorance. “Any sense of safety kind of bites it after that. You watch your back because no one else can.
Where are we going?” Annabelle asked, resisting his hold on her wrist. “To the house. If they’re not willing to be witnesses, then it seems I’ll have to debauch you in front of someone else.
She had every right to be harsh, mean, and independent. Every damn right. And yet he had a feeling that she needed care more than anyone else in the world.
The reason they invented coffins, to lock the dead in, preserve them, they put makeup on them; they didn't want them spreading or changing into anything else. The stone with the name and date was on them to weight them down.
If I knew everything, life would be lonely, as everyone else would want to explore the world, and I’d be content with a cat on my lap sitting in the dark.
You're like a tornado of bullshit right now. We'll talk again when your bullshit dies out over someone else's house.
People who meet in airports are seventy-two percent more likely to fall for each other than people who meet anywhere else.
It was because all we wanted was each other's constant love and attention and for no one else to receive that love and attention, which is a selfish and difficult place to be in a relationship. We were emotionally retarded, and that was the best we c...
He was the same as everyone else: he carried his past inside him. There was no escape from it. No matter how hard you push it down, the truth always comes to the surface.
Nothing else has the power to calm, comfort, and care for you better than home.
Make a wish with all your heart and chase every dream you have. Only you can reach your goals. No one else can achieve them for you
It wasn't just that feeling of coming home - of being intrinsically attached to what was familiar - but more a case of being so in love with a part of the world that everything else paled in comparison.