Musical 'fusion' projects have earned themselves a bad name, but that's mainly because they often involve pop artists conscripting orchestras to play unimaginative backdrops to their acts. What's really exciting is when you spark off a dialogue betwe...
When I was young, Tchaikovsky was ruined for me by conductors who made it slick and treacly. Hearing Valery Gergiev conduct Tchaikovsky has been a revelation - he brings out all its raw passion. And Gergiev with the super-virtuoso LSO - well, it's ju...
Jamás vendas la biblioteca;si un día quieres deshacerte de ella, dónde, regalala a una escuela, reparte la en la glorieta del metro Insurgentes. Hay muchos que quieren leer y no tienen cómo pagar por los libros. No se vale hacer negocio.
He had realized that the labels he had been taking so seriously are human inventions--it's all a game. The Number 68 is invented and the A is invented, so we might as well choose to invent something that brightens our life and the lives of the people...
Ella knew she should be horrified. Zane had killed someone for just touching her. But, and she might burn in hell for thinking this, she thought it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her. In a perverted way, she also found it romantic. She...
Would you favor me with a dance?" Over all the others I was his choice! I curtsied, and he took my hand. Our hands knew each other. Char looked at me, startled. "Have we met before, Lady?
Una rosa se despertó en su sangre y ensombreció sus mejillas. Un agitado aliento separó los pétalos de sus labios, que temblaron. Sobre ella sopló algún viento sur de pasión y movió los delicados pliegos de su vestido
También ésta es la historia de mi vida, pensó, o parte de ella: buscar un taxi de madrugada, oliendo a mujer o a noche perdida, sin que una cosa contradiga la otra.
—(...) Lo que sí sé es que dentro de mí hay algo que sigue vivo gracias a que ella lo está, y que cuando está en peligro se encoge como si alguien cerrara la mano en un puño con esa parte de mí dentro.
I snorted "oh, beauty. What's that good for?" Mary stared, her eyes round. "It won you the prince, did it not?" I snorted again, I prefer to think that he was captivated by my charming personality." I giggled to let Mary know I was trying to make fun...
Ruth, que quería que todos creyeran lo que ella sabía: que los muertos realmente nos hablan, que, en el aire que rodea a los vivos, los espíritus se mueven, se entremezclan y ríen con nosotros. Son el oxígeno que respiramos.
Había pasado treinta años satisfaciendo mis ambiciones, me enfrentaba a los siguientes treinta intentando mantener esas ambiciones a flote y, al pensar bien en ellas, me pregunté en qué momento me dedicaría a vivir, sin más
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tyson pounding the Earthborn into the ground like a game of whack-a-mole. Ella was fluttering above him, dodging missiles and calling out advice: "The groin. The Earthborn's groin is sensitive." SMASH! "Good. Yes....
En el envidioso existe una voluntad, una actitud de esfuerzo o, en el peor de los casos, de capricho, que indirectamente lo hace culto, laborioso, incansable. La envidia es el único vicio que se alimenta de virtudes, que vive gracias a ellas.
I thought it would be cool to Skype with fans on their birthday and spend, like, a half-hour with them. I did a couple of two-hour Skypes. I just hang out with them and play songs and stuff. At first they're kind of shy, but after a while they open u...
When I was six, my best friend's parents bought him a piano. My mother noticed that every time I would go to his house, the first thing I would say to him was 'Levester' - His name was Levester - I said, 'Levester, can I go play your piano?' So, on m...
For sure, 2010 was the best year I've ever had. It couldn't have gone any better for me. Even if I just won the Olympic gold medal, that would have made it the best year of my career and the best day of my life, period. Winning the World Cup races an...
Pero nunca volví sin recordar el fuego — la forma en que se comió el cielo, el sonido de una casa, un algo, encogiéndose a nada. Era por esto que era como el despertar en las criptas. No muerto. Pero sin ella. Como quemándome vivo.
I enjoy just showing people other sides of me, especially everyone always sees me in my helmet and ski suit. It's nice to just show everyone me, just me in my everyday clothes or just me in high heels or just me not in my ski gear, basically.
Me dedicó una cálida sonrisa, y esa sonrisa, podría haber derretido el mundo entero, porque si el mundo entero la hubiera visto, ella habría tenido la fuerza suficiente para acabar con todas las guerras y toda la enemistad del planeta, o al menos...
Rusty: You'd need at least a dozen guys doing a combination of cons. Danny: Like what, do you think? Rusty: Off the top of my head, I'd say you're looking at a Boeski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the bigge...