But if I have a lot of imagination, I could tell myself whatever I wanted, you know. I handle myself quite well. I'm kind of fascist with myself, you know. There's no discussion. There is an order. You follow it.
Growing up in Hollywood, like I did, I have a passion and a love for the movies, so I go to the cinema all the time.
Empathy is the faculty to resonate with the feelings of others. When we meet someone who is joyful, we smile. When we witness someone in pain, we suffer in resonance with his or her suffering.
When I was 3 or 4, I seemed to be bursting with music. They played Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie, Frank Sinatra in the house, so I learned my vocabulary from song lyrics - I was literally singing before I was talking.
I'm not trying to race the whole men's tour; I just want to race one time. If you know me, which most people on the World Cup do, they know that this is a legitimate goal of mine and not a publicity stunt.
Las piedras eran más blandas y creyentes que el corazón de los hombres, y daban testimonio, en aquellos terribles momentos, de la impresión que la verdad suprema hacía sobre ellas.
I feel like people around me are betters voting on the wrong horse in the race. I am that horse, always failing to make others win.
The conductor's gift does not always go hand in hand with that of composition; indeed, the union is found much more seldom than is popularly believed.
The composers could no longer direct all performances in person, and so the responsibility of interpreting their works in the spirit in which they had been conceived was placed upon conductors.
I have often heard the statement made by foreign singers, as a demonstrated fact, that the German artists are artists in feeling indeed, and serious in their devotion, but that their singing is crude.
I am always hearing from Israelis, 'Oh, CNN is anti-Israel,' or 'BBC is against us.' But no, they are reporting facts.
Open rehearsals reach people who might not otherwise hear the Philharmonic - people on fixed incomes, people who can't move easily at night, students.
: blanco. De ella deriva la palabra «luz». : sangre. De ella deriva la palabra «hematoma» (grumo de sangre). De la unión de esas dos palabras espantosas se obtiene otra todavía más terrible: . Así se denomina el tumor de la sangre. Un nombre ...
—Ella ahora está pálida. Ha perdido su pelo rojo, el pelo por el que me enamoré. Y yo ni siquiera me atreví a hablar, a ayudarla, a preguntarle cómo estaba. La vi así y huí. Huí como un cobarde. Estaba convencido de amarla, estaba convencid...
I had been able to break the curse myself. I'd had to have reason enough, love enough to do it, to find the will and the strength.
Nadie parece haber caído en cuenta de que si la existencia es absurda, lograr en ella un éxito brillante no tiene más valor que fracasar por completo.
El primer deseo es importante porque está escondido, prohibido, no permitido. No sabes si estás ante tu otra mitad perdida, ella tampoco lo sabe, pero algo te atrae, y es preciso creer que es verdad.
Although her heart had been dead for years, she clasped her hands over her breast to protect what rested underneath.
A new baby! Why, Scarlett, this is a surprise!” he laughed, leaning down to push the blanket away from Ella Lorena's small ugly face." - Rhett Butler
The Southbank Centre Unlimited Festival was a distinct moment in time, an amazing counterpoint to the London 2012 Paralympics. There is no question that a major shift in perspective is taking place, that the world is waking up and greeting - as if fo...
Whatever you do in life, there's content and form; only those two put together create special meaning of a great work of art or great interpretation of music or a great story that you tell.