I am my own version of the DREAM Act.
The mind wears the colors of the soul, as a valet those of his master.
In 1989, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that minority set-aside programs in municipal contracts were unconstitutional. The court wondered if there were proof that people of color even want to receive municipal contracts.
I'm a huge fan of Alice Hoffman, Fred Chappell and Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
I pray every single moment of my life; not on my knees but with my work. My prayer is to lift women to equality with men. Work and worship are one with me.
Every action we take, everything we do, is either a victory or defeat in the struggle to become what we want to be.
The wrong things are predominantly stressed in the schools - things remote from the student's experience and need.
There is a lot of food culture that goes on in the home and in the community in non-traditional ways. Food is a lot more than restaurants.
The first meal was an object lesson of much variety. My father produced several kinds of food, ready to eat, without any cooking, from little tin cans that had printing all over them.
It is inappropriate to discuss matters of business, pleasure or current events in the temple.
A free culture has been our past, but it will only be our future if we change the path we are on right now.
I think money helps us. It helps us. It's our - it's our exchange system. But it does not buy you happiness. It doesn't buy you health.
In the face of postwar austerity, hundreds of brides-to-be across the country sent Princess Elizabeth their clothing coupons so that she could have the dress of their dreams.
Maintaining healthy forests is essential to those who make a living from the land and for those of us who use them for recreational purposes.
Environmental protection doesn't happen in a vacuum. You can't separate the impact on the environment from the impact on our families and communities.
The growth that we want is one that brings real benefits to the people, raises quality and efficiency of development, and contributes to energy conservation and environmental protection.
Americans increasingly understand that clean energy is more than just an environmental issue. It is crucial to reducing our dangerous dependence on foreign countries.
We should restore a proper balance in environmental regulation and energy production that is based on common sense, not political agendas.
The Endangered Species Act is the strongest and most effective tool we have to repair the environmental harm that is causing a species to decline.
Well, for starters, we have to do more to create demand for new technologies that can reduce our dependence on foreign oil and environmental degradation.
'Green' is likely to be a big issue in the 2008 U.S. presidential election - largely in response to George Bush's suicidal refusal to engage with environmental issues.