I have the sex drive of a parked car.
The Merits of Marthaism, and How Being Named Susan Can Benefit YouWhether you buy a new TV, or car, (etc.) or any other “material” thing is often “immaterial” to God.
Look into the stillnessEnough of this. Does every conversation with you have to be the director's cut? Get out of the car.
Motherless BrooklynI got rid of my car, and bought a garage band instead. Music gets better gas mileage.
Sleepwalking is resterciseI’m not sitting back here with another dude while there are two perfectly doable females in the car.
Three DavesYou try almost dying, being chased, then hopping in a car with a complete (horny) stranger.
Playing with FireI had about as much chance to do that as I did of backpacking my car to the top of Mount Rushmore.
Proven GuiltyIn my normal world, cars do not go off the road and explode. Please, do not insult my intelligence.
Passing of the KingI want a one-bedroom house with cup holders. I want to live in my car, and make the road my home.
This Book Has No TitleWhen you looked out my window you could see the whole city crouched under a blanket of car smog.