Everybody is determined by his own experience.
Tennis just a game, family is forever.
Color is an intense experience on its own.
Enthusiasm could not supply the place of experience.
Freedom and Justice are twin sisters.
Fashion is an imposition, a reign on freedom.
Freedom is never given; it is won.
Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.
America, to me, is freedom.
Truly successful lives are about family.
The government is becoming the family of last resort.
It is nonsense to say that Germans are unable to change.
When you are through changing, you are through.
With me a change of trouble is as good as a vacation.
Brazil will change when its cities change.
I work on weekends, but from home.
I'm running because we need change.
The education of peoples is a necessary precondition to peace.
Health and education are always issues.
Don't let schooling interfere with your education.