I am I plus my circumstances.
I've probably bought ten CDs in my whole life.
The way that I live my life is on spontaneity.
One must choose in life between boredom and suffering.
A religious life is a struggle and not a hymn.
If my life was a song the title would be 'Naima'.
We are all, right now, living the life we choose.
I did not defend myself. I say a life for a life.
Sports isn't just a part of life. It's not life itself.
There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet.
I have wondered about time all my life.
I have the greatest life in the world because I created it.
Life can be challenging and sad... but music is the easy part.
A lifestyle is what you pay for; a life is what pays you.
Nobody got where they are today by living for tomorrow.
Our life is full of empty space.
The soldier is summoned to a life of active duty and so is the Christian.
You don't set off in life to be mediocre. At least, I don't.
Learn as much by writing as by reading.
As long as you live, keep learning how to live.
I inherited my love of gold jewellery from my grandmother.