Silence is best reserved for the fearful and foolish.
Winning or losing achieves the same result--change.
Acceptable hypocrisy is often called politeness.
We live in the river of being, if we truly live.
You knew...and that is why it hurts so bad.
If We Can’t Cheat Death, Don’t Cheat Love.
If you always play the victim you’ll always be the victim.
Closed mindedness is a burden that threatens your future
The past is a gift that should not be unwrapped in the present.
Sometimes saying nothing, is actually saying A lot.
We must get rid of all the guns.
Development is better than Girl-friend
Tantangan akan jadi ketentraman, bila kita hadapi dengan iman dan taqwa.
Sebagai pemimpin itu, kita harus sanggup berkorban dan berani mengambil risiko.
Semua harus dimulai dari tekad kita, semangat bersama-sama untuk menuju kemajuan Indonesia.
Dalam mengekspresikan kebebasan, sandingkanlah dengan kepatuhan pada aturan hukum dan toleransi.
Hidup mesti memiliki prinsip. Setiap prinsip dan pilihan haruslah mengandung kebajikan.
I should have died in ambushes a hundred times.
The trouble with facts is that there are so many of them.
Never touch a butterfly's wing with your finger.
I think of my novels as entertainments.