Reality exists in 'nothing', and nowhere else.
Religion, in its purest form, is Science.
Research is the highest form of study.
The truth about time is that it is happening right now.
The universe is about two things: time and the opposite.
Time is really just organized timing.
Time is a firm foundation of a universe construction.
Time has its own kind of force.
Time has its own kind of stuff.
Time Time The invisible reminder of visible universe.
Time is measure of all things.
Time is the measure of all things.
Time runs the fastest when it is independent of life.
Time is the universe's fastest growing entity.
Time is the strongest force the universe possesses.
Waiting for time is never a waste of time.
Time is the color of rainbow. Rainbow doesn't have colors.
Our universe is rare, like me.
Accept that you're just a product, not a gift.
You breathe fast when you're scared.
My favourite thing in my wardrobe is my jewelry.