Inconvenient truth always hurts but its there and there is no escaping
Becoming wealthy is about accumulating wealth.
The key to failure is ignoring Cosmic Ordering.
If you are in a prison of fear ... break out!
With sticky thinking you can become unstuck!
Your full of yourself." "Duhh... genetics man.
Stand out from the crowd, be yourself.
Never mistrust, unless given a reason.
Never cry for the same reason twice.
Your behavior is the testimony of your character.
Caterpillars can fly, if they just lighten up.
Depression thrives in secrecy but shrinks in empathy.
The key to failure is, lack of self discipline.
Even a rock was molten one day......
I don't like singing before noon.
Beauty is the spirit of the soul. Beauty is the spirit of love.
Help those who need it, not who want it.
Manage your life as you manage your money.
Live Like a Raj Thakare and Die Like a Balasaheb Thakare.
First step is the beginning of a change.
It is better to live ready than to get ready!